Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Real Talk”
New Years Goals 2025
Greetings Shadowpunks!
With last year behind us, I look forward to what will come in the future. This year I hope to finish two new tools for the site: Weapon Designer and Vehicle Designer. These will more than likely take at least 3 or 4 months each (Though the vehicle one will take something really special to finish in that time). My hope is always to allow players more control over their characters and to give GMs the tools to be able to create custom things quickly and easily. I hope these will continue to help people make great games!
Gamehole Con Review
Cons and I have a kind of strange relationship. In general, I absolutely love meeting people but I get very concerned with large crowds. So Gamehole turned out to be just about the perfect size for me. Plenty of people but easy enough to walk around without having to struggle through a crowd. One of the main concerns with a “smaller con” is that its harder to get big names to show up to the cons. Gamehole Con doesn’t have that problem at all. People from all over the country flew into Madison for the event!
Affliation and Moving Forward
After doing a lot of thinking about this little side project of mine, I had decided I perhaps needed to begin to supplement the cost of this website/hosting for tools/investment of time. I hate to make any kind of clutter or cause anyone any strife when it comes to reading my articles, using my tools, or just generally enjoying the spirit of the reason my site exists. However, seeing the cost continue to rise, I will need to come up with something.