Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Magical Traditions”
Magical Traditions Part 3 Santeria
Books/Sites Used in this article.
- Magic In The Shadows
- SR3 Core
- - Vocab For Santeria
- Images are used from Creative Common Licenses.
As we forge ahead in new paths of magic in the world we come to another tradition that fall outside of the UCAS and CAS control for the majority of their practitioners. Yoruba in this cases. This faith has similar bone structures of Voodoo and Palo Mayombe. With powerful spirits being called to in order to effect change and offerings to be left and honor to be given.
Magical Traditions in Your Game: Part 2
Books Used in this article.
As my introduction to magical traditions seems to have gathered a good deal of attention, I thought I would continue on with this. As always, if people have specific things they want covered, please send me an email, or reach out to me on Discord, and I’ll be more than happy to sit down and write something up for you.
Magical Traditions in Your Game: Part 1
Books Used in this article.
I’ve always been drawn to various faiths as I grew up. What people believed and why was always so interesting to me. Being able to walk into a new church, temple or holy place and seeing the customs, hearing the music and enjoying lessons the faiths had. I tend to gravitate towards character concepts that have faith as their foundation. In Shadowrun, this often meant a Magical Tradition.