Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Any Edition”
What Should I Play in Shadowrun?
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This question is more common for new players than most GMs realize. Without classes and sets of specific dynamics to choose from, some players (especially those from games like Dungeons and Dragons) have a hard time understanding what kind of character to put together and that makes character creation overall much more difficult. I’m going to lay out some old school archetypes for you and what the perks are for trying to fit that role. This discussion should be more or less edition agnostic, so from 1st to 6th, this should get you going.
Unusual Rewards for Shadowruns
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Shadowrun is a game about high risk and high rewards. Too often we however only see rewards of nuyen. Some Gamemasters stretch their legs and add in things like extra contacts or some exotic ammos, but when was the last time you had something like a program, spell or exotic material for resale? Each of those rewards can lead to more stories and more stories is ALWAYS better!
Spells - Buying, Learning and Forms
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One of the things a lot of people may overlook in Shadowrun is how spells are purchased/learned in game. I think it’s very important to understand that mages and shamans need to get access to either teachers or buying formulas. This can also be an excellent opportunity to bring in new NPCs and teachers. In most games I see a lot of people just spend the karma and poof! New Spell! Also character creation is much more exciting when you add personal touches to your character in this way.