Vtt Maps and Shadowrun Info
By Dean
- 2 minutes read - 354 wordsAfter doing some digging and trying to find some good resources for VTT maps (A question that I see gets posted all over the place). I also needed a bit of a lighter post as I finish up the final touches on “Blood On the Pavement”, my next release for the Lonestar Stories first season. This should be available soon! Please take a look at my first releases: Blood For Money!
One day I will work on making a massive searchable table for maps, however after digging through the subreddit I discovered this gem and wanted to make sure it has a place that isn’t just buried within Reddit. That will be on the horizon, but for now, here are three really solid resources.
FastJack’s VTT Maps
This is a mind boggling good resource. It has what appears to be hundreds of maps and they are already optimized for use in VTTs. It’s excellently organized and has well named files. If your looking for something, it may very well be in here!
A Full Filled in Seattle Map
This is my go to map for finding anything within Seattle in Shadowrun. This map has it all, it’s marked clearly. All that’s missing is annotation, but that gets a bit murky in how much you can add before you get hit with a copyright strike. If you need to know what’s near the players, what they have access to, this will let you find it. It also has a search which will allow you to find out where your various important night clubs and such are in the world at large. Don’t run your game without it!
Sprawl Maps
This is the original map guide for Shadowrun. As a PDF you will be able to lift the maps right out of the book. These are done in the Shadowrun style (Which is kind of nice, it makes it feel a bit better. They are basic but having these old maps just feels good when running Shadowrun. Its pretty cheap at under $5, so consider picking it up if you haven’t seen it.