Lonestar Adventure - Coding
Books Useful for this article.
This post uses my Lonestar Campaign Setting found here.
Adventure Title: Coding
Adventure Type: Cyber Crime
Setting: Seattle, 2075
Plot Overview:
The group of officers arrive on scene of a catastrophic traffic accident (Go Gang related attack with civilians caught in the crossfire). The EMTs arrive after the officers give what aid they can. One of the victims has an incredibly rare blood type and is an organ donor (this rare type is resistant to organ growth, so vat grown organs are off the table) and needs to be rushed to the nearest hospital (with police escort). Another group of officers is called to give a police escort to a family who’s in desperate need of that heart.
Decker Game
A long long time in a galaxy far far away, any kind of shadowrun content was gold. It was rare and beautiful to behold. Decker was one of those nuggets from the era. It was difficult, but getting ahead was extremely satisfying. This of course led to save scumming like never before! All of this said, it was written in an era of windows that has since passed, but just like everything these days. A spark held in someones heart allowed it to step forward into the future.
Lonestar Adventure - Blood for Money
Books Useful for this article.
This post uses my Lonestar Campaign Setting found here.
Adventure Title: Blood for Money
Adventure Type: Kidnapping
Setting: Seattle, 2075
Plot Overview: Brendon Evers thinks he has a perfect plan to finally get out from under his parents thumb. However his two friends (Eddy and Simon) let slip to their more dangerous street friend Kyle, who has an idea to make everyone rich (except Brendon of course, he will be dead).
Lonestar Game
Adventures using this setting
Lone Star Campaign
For a long time i’ve had a desire to run a Lone Star game. I’ve always been a huge fan of police procedural’s on TV and I thought i’d take a stab a writing a small campaign for it. I then had the idea of releasing these as episodic posts someone might be able to use for their own campaign.
Old Sr2 Character Generator
After doing a deep dive on researching old Shadowrun Programs (and I think I’ve decided to collect them all for mirrors) I stumbled onto an SR2 Character Creator. This was great for me because if I end up going down that road of making a character creator, I now have all of the base data files to extract the data and put it into a standard format (JSON in this case).
Initiative Tracker
After some more requests for tools, I bring you all my initiative tracker. So far it is made for Shadowrun 2nd And 3rd Edition (With a simple toggle for each edition). Currently it is configured to instantly remove initiative as they take damage. This is how my table plays however I realize a lot of others may not. I will make a toggle in the future which will remove this feature for tables that don’t play with it.
Data Preservation Shadowrun 3rd
After seeing various sites I used to rely on disappearing day by day, I have grown nostalgic about the various programs i had used through out the years. As I have seen new players dig for resources for them to come up empty it has sparked my own interest in tossing my hat into the ring. I of course cannot promise I will suceed in some of these plans that seeing this data has given me, but what I can promise, is getting the data into a place for it to be preserved for the future.
Things That Need to Be Around
There are a lot of tools I used growing up and trying to learn Shadowrun. The few that always made me happiest were the ones that really gave me the fully control and customization that Shadowrun allows. People at FASA really dug into the idea that characters will want signature weapons/vehicles/spells/etc. That being a major part of who they are meant we needed that DEEP control over who and what they were.
Pink Fohawk - Shadowrun Podcast
When I started Shadowrun again, I wanted to be able to hear more stories from different people in order to get back into the mindset of it. I stumbled on Pink Fohawk and found another few folks who are deeply passionate about Shadowrun. Their podcast is incredibly fun, it has some folly and music work, but it definitely just some friends sitting around a table and having a damn good time.
Shadowrun 3rd Edition - Matrix Security Sheaf Generator
Books Used in this article.
Awhile ago we had need for a good security generator. I know there have been quite a few, and I checked on an old one that I used to use, and the hosting was going out on it. I took a lot of the concepts and rolled them into a new React project. It goes a bit above and beyond for it most of what was there. It gives rules and allows for some amount of tracking during a run. One thing I definitely want to consider is making a save/load feature.