Running Divided Assets in Cyberpunk Red
Most of you know me as someone who writes things for Shadowrun and Cyberpunk concepts in general. I currently am playing Cyberpunk Red just as often as playing Shadowrun 3rd edition. So I begin to see the tying threads between concepts and stories. A lot of stories in Shadowrun cannot be ported to Cyberpunk. The fantasy element is played pretty often in these stories, but every once in a while it’s left almost entirely out. This gives us the rare opportunity to tell the story in both universes almost entirely unchanged. Divided Assets is one of those adventures.
Divided Assets Review
I know it’s been awhile folks! I’ve been busy writing Holostreets! Blood For Money and Blood on the Pavement. I am looking for people to review these in any capacity so if you are interested please reach out to me! Otherwise, lets get into Divided Assets!
Divided Assets is a Shadowrun adventure for 2nd Edition. The plot revolves around kidnapping and the ramifications of extractions on the family of those being extracted. It’s an interesting take on the idea of looking outward into Shadowrunning (or Edgerunning for that matter). A lot of times players run these crazy scenarios where death and violence explode into the lives of people who can’t even imagine what they are about to see and experience. This would leave a lasting sting that is never really talked about!
Dark Angel Review
Dark Angel is a Shadowrun adventure for 2nd Edition. The plot revolves around recovering the original recordings from the Legendary Rocker, Dark Angel. Seems he killed himself (though it’s murky that anyone would set himself on fire as a way of going out) and some new kid suddenly showed up with recordings and signed contracts. This of course seems like the HOTTEST of Bull Drek that could be, because Angel swore he would never record them and sell out. It’s up to you and your friends to recover the songs and get the skinny on how this person got their hands on these things.
Older Cyberpunk Tech Movies
I’ve always found it so interesting that so many movies out there feel like the framework for what became Shadowrun and Cyberpunk. I know the zeitgeist of the time was that technology was going to give us a world that would allow for infinite convenience and automation. That would have allowed tech to come into every aspect of our lives, from micro foods that give us all of the nutrients needed to cars that could beat traffic by flying into the sky. This was what we had dreamed of in the 1980s. Some of us however, saw the writing on the wall. We knew that with automation would come the loss of jobs, with new and greater technology corporations greed would not be satisfied with old profits and that the human cost would rise. So a few things from the shiny future dared to show us its underbelly and from that we started to see the dystopia.
Vtt Maps and Shadowrun Info
After doing some digging and trying to find some good resources for VTT maps (A question that I see gets posted all over the place). I also needed a bit of a lighter post as I finish up the final touches on “Blood On the Pavement”, my next release for the Lonestar Stories first season. This should be available soon! Please take a look at my first releases: Blood For Money!
Magical Traditions Part 3 Santeria
Books/Sites Used in this article.
- Magic In The Shadows
- SR3 Core
- - Vocab For Santeria
- Images are used from Creative Common Licenses.
As we forge ahead in new paths of magic in the world we come to another tradition that fall outside of the UCAS and CAS control for the majority of their practitioners. Yoruba in this cases. This faith has similar bone structures of Voodoo and Palo Mayombe. With powerful spirits being called to in order to effect change and offerings to be left and honor to be given.
Bottle Demon - Review and Tweaks
Bottled Demon is a Shadowrun adventure written for Shadowrun 1st Edition. The premise of the adventure revolved around a local fixer needing muscle to ensure a deal goes down nice and clean. What he has is worth some serious nuyen and he is willing to pay out a good deal of cred to make sure he is safe while finding a buyer.
Cyberpunk Stl Files for Props
STL Files for Shadowrun and Cyberpunk (Red or otherwise)
So my table is pretty extreme when it comes to making props and cityscapes. We just love being drawn in by massive 3d print builds and honestly, once you know where to look, it mostly comes down to time. The cost of these things is pretty tiny in the long run. $100 of filament can go a LONG freaking way.
So I wanted to put together a list of stuff we used to print out the mega city that we play in. We are currently playing a Cyberpunk RED Trauma team game and I’ve just finished up running Brain Scan in Shadowrun, but now starting my Lonestar Game in order to continue to write my storylines and SOON my books to be published as HoloStreets (for 3rd & 5th Edition).
What Shadowrun Edition Should I Choose
One of the most common questions we get on the various Shadowrun Subreddits is what edition is right for me and my group? Think is unfortunately always answered with the obvious “It depends”. I’m going to hopefully lay out all the information to make the choice for you and your group. Each edition has a lot to offer and gives a completely different feel to your game. Let’s see where your group falls. This will be a living document, so as I find some better examples and feedback on how best to explain some editions.
Product Review - Enhance Travel Bag 'Adventurer'
I have never written one of these product reviews, but as I understand it, this is how you make a successful blog: finding the best of the items for those who would actually use them. I thought perhaps I would start with something I use pretty often. So let’s talk about the “ENHANCE Travel Bag”
I’m one of those people who have to own the books. I get that people love PDFs, but for me there is nothing better than a new gaming book for something I am running. In that respect of course, I tend to bring a bunch of my books with me to always be prepared. As it turns out, carrying a bunch of books is a huge pain. My wife and I looked all over and mostly I was using a backpack, but that tended to beat the heck out of my books. This was our alternative.